Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Distance Learning

I am dusting off my blog, once again, and plan to begin posting assignments, observations and general information regarding my next course at Walden: Distance Learning.

Online education is becoming extremely popular today especially with the onset of globalization.  Through this class, I hope to understand new trends that are on the rise in the field of distance education, and their implications for designing and implementing distance-learning programs.


  1. Very nice looking blog. It seems that I have to comment under anonymous, as I don't have any of those accounts. I will be following your blog and look forward to reading it!

    Lisa Eaton

  2. Hello, Julie!

    I am getting a little dust from your blog here in Maryland. I will be following you over the next 8 weeks as we journey through 6135 - not 8675309 (I hope you get the joke :O)

    Looking forward to learning from and with you!
